The Korean Journal of Sports Medicine

Indexed in /covered by CAS, KoreaScience & DOI/Crossref:eISSN 2288-6028   pISSN 1226-3729

Fig. 3.

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Fig. 3. Serial follow-up rib radiographs of the presented case. (A) Fracture line was more evident in 3 weeks after the injury and (B) 6 weeks, (C) 9 weeks, (D) 12 weeks radiograph showed callus formation and marginal sclerosis of the fracture end. (E) Eighteen weeks after the injury, radiographic healing was identified and the pitching performance program was initiated. (F) Chest radiograph in regular check- up 10 months after the injury demonstrated the healing and remodeling of the fracture site. Arrows indicate the fracture of first-rib.
Korean J Sports Med 2020;38:117-20
© 2020 Korean J Sports Med