The Korean Journal of Sports Medicine

Indexed in /covered by CAS, KoreaScience & DOI/Crossref:eISSN 2288-6028   pISSN 1226-3729

Table. 4.

Table. 4.

Odds ratio comparing DSD/TP of wrestlers and other athletes (high vs. low)

Type of disease DSD/TP Wrestling Others Odds ratio (95% CI) p-value
Infectious High 25 35 7.714 (2.699−22.048) <0.001
Low 5 54
Noninfectious High 12 48 0.569 (0.246−1.320) 0.187
Low 18 41

DSD/TP: duration of skin disease per 1,000 official training period, CI: confidence interval.

Korean J Sports Med 2024;42:99-104
© 2024 Korean J Sports Med