Physicians’ difficulties in treatment and prevention of REDs (n=69)
Variable | Data |
Awareness on REDs IOC guideline | |
Yes | 14 (22.3) |
No | 53 (76.8) |
Missing | 2 (2.9) |
Barrier of REDs patients’ treatment | |
Lack of information or education about REDs | 35 (50.7) |
Lack of manpower such as nutritionists in the team | 30 (43.5) |
Lack of awareness by players and trainers | 29 (42.0) |
Short medical interview time | 20 (29.0) |
Sources of REDs information | |
KSSM conference | 41 (59.4) |
IOC or international conference | 9 (13.0) |
Internet | 23 (33.3) |
Book or leaflet | 17 (24.6) |
Friends or co-workers | 1 (1.45) |
Others | 4 (5.8) |
Values are presented as number (%).
REDs: relative energy deficiency in sport, IOC: International Olympic Committee, KSSM: The Korean Society of Sports Medicine.